My favorite blogs

Over at Sew Mama Sew they are asking us bloggers and sewers to reflect upon the last year and asked us to pick a question from this post

Since I’m more of an ad hoc seamstress I thought I would answer an easy question (I know, lazy cheater) –

What were some of your favorite blogs?

Katy Elliott

From her blog “A journal about new england life, decorating inspiration, andrenovating a 260-year-old house in Marblehead, Massachusetts”. Beautiful photos, very New England, and a good, sometimes a bit scary look at what goes into remodeling a vintage home.

Mimi Kirchner

Love her blog, her dolls, her craftsmanship and approachable attitude.

Sew Mama Sew

Amazing fabric selection, great patterns and excellent resource for sewers of ALL levels.  Addicting, I must warn  you.

The Long Thread

Clean design that is cheerful and reachable, and has great tutorials.  Ellen’s blog is one of my fave’s.


I honestly don’t know what exactly it is about this blog that I like specifically, but I’m going to say it’s the hipster vibe that draws me in.  And the family aspect, there is a great sense of family here that isn’t traditional, but warm.

Purl Soho

Um….you may not want to go here if you are trying to save money bc everything is AMAZING.  Srsly.  Hide your wallet.

It’s a new dress every day – made from an old dress.  Magic tricks with a sewing machine, presto!

Okay, I’m married to a southern guy and my BFF is southern so I love this. A Yankee living the Southern life, touches of sarcasm and appreciation laced with humor.

Kooks Ginger Boy

My pal Jane over at a lovely blog and a great friend.

My friend Dee’s blog, she’s generous, hilarious and opinionated!

Joetta’s blog has, oh my god, so many wonderful fiber art finds!  and opinions, and insight into the process.  If you are looking for some real art check her blog out, you won’t be disappointed, I go there when I want to feel a bit smarter than I am

For all you embroidery junkies – I can’t believe you don’t know about this blog, get on over there, quick!!!!

So simple, so beautiful, the photography is amazing and the imagery is unmatched, I look forward to her posts most of all!  And there are snails, wearing sweaters, I’m not kidding.

Yankee Crafty Bitch

Do I need to elaborate?  Okay fine.  Awesome Yankee Bitches who cook, sew, and share.

Camp is cool and Weezi is the queen!  She’s based out of Canada and has an adorable online store where you can buy ELVIS shower caps.  Nuf’ said!

One thought on “My favorite blogs

  1. Liz, what can I say but thanks, that is so kind and I am proud to be called your friend! I feel very touched to say the least. I will check out all the other blogs too. Hope your Christmas was fab! J xx

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