Finished! Project number 8!

Here are some images of what Kristen sent me, they were part of a collection from her Aunt Rose who lived 94 of her 99 years in East Boston.  Aunt Rose apparently collected lots of things…which I can relate to!

And here are each of the gloves, 4 pair

Two of them were cloth and the other two were leather.

Now, a little inside story on this – I never know what is appropriate to share with everyone bc, well, everyone has their own idea of what is ok to share about themselves…but I must tell you I feel a connection to Kristen bc she, like myself, has had many different careers – she has done everything from carpentry to fine art and has bought and restored her own beach house.  Kristen is also getting married in October.  When I was making this I had to feel like I was making something she could look at, and step into her new life with her family and have it include her Aunt Rose, I don’t know if or how she can do this but I felt like it needed to be something she could display and have it be slightly bridal.  Also Kristen totes called it when she asked me not to make any creepy ghost hands (those of you who are Mass Art folks SO know this could happen!). So the connection between weddings, funerals, art, gloves, collecting and making all came to fruition to make this;

It’s a wreath.  For some reason I was obsessed with making flowers out of the gloves, and when I took them apart they had all these lovely shades of white, blue and yellow.

I also used the tissue paper, I wrapped it around the frame, you can see it here.  This however, isn’t the frame I ended up using, it wasn’t right so I made one myself from annealed wire, and yes, it was a big pain in the ass but totally worth it!  Its all in the details!

I kind of twisted up the paper and used it like raffia, weaving it in and around the spaces in the frame.

Some more images of the wreath finished

Hope you like it Kristen!


19 thoughts on “Finished! Project number 8!

  1. ‘What a wonderful idea!’ she shrieks, furiously looking for gloves to send to Liz to make her one too. Really had no idea what you were going to create but very impressed.

  2. Pingback: liz noonan

  3. Liz, I love it so much. I know I said it to you the other day, but you are a very lucky and special person. To be able to create so many beautiful things is a gift. To be able to touch someones life (or 25+ in this case) is a blessing. I’m sure it’s a lot of pressure to handle things that mean so much to people, but so far you’ve done everything to perfection. It’s worth the extra time and thought you are spending.

  4. Liz, I check your blog when I see it come up on my facebook page and am so, so, so very amazed at how clever and creative you are. Love your glove wreath. So beautiful! See you at drop-off next week. xxoo

    • Thank you Beth! I’m so flattered you check out my little blog. I have mixed feelings about next week – the girls need to go back to school but to be honest I would love to just keep them home with me!

  5. This is a good post and may be one that needs to be followed up to see what the results are

    A friend mailed this link the other day and I’m desperately anticipating your next post. Proceed on the fantastic work.

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