Leftover Pot Roast Stew

One of the things I mess up every time I make it is pot roast.  You would think this particular dish should be easy – brown the meat, add the veggies, broth, wine, etc., plug in on low and walk away….easy, right?

Well, I mess it up every time.  All of my roasts end up being bone dry.  It’s gross.  But the left overs make magnificent beef stew!

So here’s my recipe for Leftover Pot Roast Stew, with pics!

Take your leftover roast and cut into cubes

Cube leftover veggies, these are blue potato, red potato and yukon gold.  I think it’s funny how you can’t see the color of the blue potato since the blue is intense  when raw, I love them and think they have a fantastic texture for a potato – not too starchy.

I added some fresh mushrooms because my family eats mushrooms like candy – my middle daughter weaves around my legs like a cat, begging for a cup of cut up mushrooms to snack on while the baby smacks her lips saying “nummy, nummy” I know, I agree it’s odd.

My trick for cutting up fresh veggies is to cut first, wash after.  The reason I do this is I have a fear of being cut while cubing a slippery potato or getting peeled by the peeler with a wet carrot in hand….eek.

We also had barley that I had cooked with the broth, so I added that to the mix.

I added some more wine, about a cup, salt and pepper of course, and added enough water just to cover.

Put the slow cooker on high for about 3 hours.


2 thoughts on “Leftover Pot Roast Stew

  1. This is such a great-looking recipe. I know I always cook too much of everything, so this would be perfect for all my leftovers. I don’t cook with nearly enough barley, so hopefully this post will inspire me! I bet this recipe would also taste cooked on the stove top with crimini mushrooms as opposed to regular button mushrooms.

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